Twoim problemem jest to, że powszechną NICOŚĆ mylisz z osobistą PUSTKĄ

1.Function of stonhenge (3 000 BC) neolithic (New stone)age---It was a kind of astronomical calendar (stones put in regular intervals, sun showed the first day of season, so they knew when to saw the seeds and when collect the crops).Meeting place for chiefs to discusse politics and economical aspects.It was a place felited of religious rituals, Stone Henge has been built for 1000 years , villiges started growing around henges . The biggest is Arebury Henge--------------------------------------------2.Celtic is nowadays spoken in Scotland------------------------------3.the achievements of Alfred the great (because he did a lot important things to united kingdom) he was the first king who managed to unify the majority of anglo-saxon kingdoms and became a king of Englad . 878 Edington organized an army managed to win a battle with Vikings for the first time ordered that every town and village must be sourrounded by walls (to protect from possible riders). Ordered a fleet to be built to stop invaders at the sea. He was called he father of English fleet. Introduced a writing system of massages sending from town to town (in order to warn other towns from invaders). The Vikings couldn’t write and read. He sent a bishop to rome to ask for more Romans come to England and established schools. Pupils of those learning centers were sons of knights, nobility and commanders of an army. Ordinary soldier-masanger couldn’t read and even if Vikings caught messenger they weren’t able to read it . he started to write “The anglo-Saxon chronicle”(record of what was happening in England). --He wanted all males to be able to fight. He divided them on two groups: one half of them went to the army for year, while the other half was working at home. After the year they changed. Decided to pay money to the Vikings In order to stop invasions- called danegeld------------------------------------------------4.MAGNA CARTA was sign in 1215 by John the Lackland--------5.Why Romans invaded Britain?(55-54BC)They got interested in territory of France- Gaulia. In France people were celtic origin so in case of war the English Celts supported them with weapons, food and give a shelter for refugees, so Julius Cesar first turned his attention into England. Britain with good, mild climate and good soils could be a great place to prepare a food for Roman army, In Britain were natural resources of tin.-6.St.Augustine-an Italian priest who was sent to England by Pope Gregory I to teach the people about Christianity. He became the first Archbishop of Canterbury--------------------------7.Name of tribes of invaders in 430 ADAngles(kent,south coast) Jutes(east & north middleland) Saxons (between Jutes and Angles)-------------------------------------------------------------------8.Witan – Saxons kings had an advisory body (council) – Witan. Members were clerkman landlords, aristocrats, knights. By the end of the X century the Witans became the most important people in country. They had right to elect king, set him on the throne, advise and support him. It was kind of government. Land divided into shires(administrative units) shire reeve – sheriff, folkmot(shiremot) – decided about local matters, Mannor House- Place where taxes were collected. Fryd Army Introduced by Saxons – not regular army but only when it was needed.--------------------------------------------10.Why William of Normandy (Conqueror later) could claim the English throne? Edward the Confessor was spending most of his time on court of William of Normandy. He never married and left no successor to the throne. William of Normandy said that during one of those visits on his courts, Edward the Confessor promised him an English throne-----------11.Possessions of Henry II (the lands): England(Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, Essex, Kent, Sussex, Wessex, Southern Wales). Eastern Irleand, Western France ( Normandy, Brittany, Maine, Anjou, Aquitaine, Gascony)-------------------------------------12.Henry II and Thomas Becket(archbishop of Canterbury) quarreled about… reforming a court system. Henry wanted to introduce a uniform law system but Becket refused and escaped to France. Crowning Henry’s son by archbishop of York(not like it normally was by archbishop of Canterbury) what made Becket furious. As a result, Thomas Becket had to escape to France. King went to France too. They havereturned in the same time, and then Henry II killed Thomes Becket after celebration, on the Cathedral’s steps in Canterbury – 1170, Christmas eve, December. After that Pope imposed an interdict-churches were closed, asked French king and army to deprive English king of his throne. King went to Rome and begged for forgiveness. Pope’s condition was that Henry couldn’t interfere in church matters and would not introduce any reforms.------------------------------------------------------------------13.What was the role of Curia Regis? 1258 In 1257 there were poor crops but Henry III Introduced a new tax demanding 1/3 whole income, what was too much. Nobles gathered and made a new document. It was provisions of Oxford – next document limiting king’s power. King was controlled by CURIA (15 barons who were taking privileges for themselves and were discussing the most important political issues) CURIA REGIS turned into first FIRST PARLIAMENT(financial decisions, political matters)------------------------------------------------------------14.Which house of the Parliament was the most important during the Tudors? The house of commons – ordered each shire to send two representatives to London to became members of parliament they were called commoners. They had to decide about taxation and policy.-----------------------------15Why William Wallace became a Scottish national hero, called Braveheart? He organized Scottish resistance movement – rebellion of 1307, was defeated in 1314 – Battle under BUNNOCKBURN – Edward I defeated Scots, Wallace was executed. His dead mean beginning of Scotish nationalism (Scots started to consider themselves s nation)---------------------16. The reasons for the Hundred Years War (1337-1457):In the 1328 the last French king from The Capet House died and the next house (of Valois) wanted to start rulling, but Edward III was a grandson of one of the Capet’s so he had rights and claimed the French throne. The king of France began to interfere with England’s trade. He seize part of Gascony worth a lot of money because of fine wine and wollen cloths. The king of France tried to make a duke of Burgundy accept hiss authority and in this way stopped English’s wool exports to Flanders------------------------------------------------------------------------17.What was the impact of The Black Death (1333-1369) to the English countryside? It decimated population in England, every 3rd person died, only few people could farm the land so in fact it meant the end of serfdom (pańszczyzna) , they even could demand getting payment for working. This created a new class-Yeomen (farmers becoming reach enough to built not wooden but stone houses). Black Prince- Edward III who died before his father Edward II---------------------------------------18. Why the English won the battle at Agincourt? 1415 England defeated France (5000 solders contra 15000 French solders) because Henry V introduced new weapon – crossbow (kusza), which had faster renge of fire and France didn’t have it. Henry singed Peace Treaty with French according to which it was him who would success French throne after Charles death. He even married Charles’s daughter – Catherine de Valois, to make his claim to French throne stronger. Unfortunately, he died before French king.------------------------19. The Wars of Roses 1455-1485 was between 2 families Lancaster (red) and York (white)--------------------------------------20.Richard III Gloucestor was defeated because, Henry Tudor of Lancaster fought with Richard 3 in Bothworth. Richard’s army deserted, and king had no horse, so he was caught and killed on the battlefield (my kingdom for a horse)Henry VII announced himself as a king on the battlefield and become king of England and started another house in English throne – Thudors------------------------------------------------------------------------21.What was the function of Poyning’s Act 1494 in Ireland? Irish rebelled and Henry VII to calm them down introduced total subjection of England *he made himself a king of Ireland *introduced the same administration as in England * Irish parliament could meet only if English Parliament had allowed. 22.The role of The Court of Star Chamber was: Members were taken from Privy Council or appointed by Tudor kings, they became the highest judges (in cases if high treason-zdrada stanu), represented a kind of uniformed policy. It become very useful because they could get rid of people who didn’t want to obey an Tudor’s orders--------------------------------23.Why Henry VIII didn’t get the divorce with Catherine of Aragon? Henry’s advisor-cardinal Woolsey was send to enry’s advisor-cardinal Woolsey was send to Rome to get permission to Henry’s VIII divorce. But Catherine was Spanish royal couple’s daughter and Spanish at the moment was very powerful country in catholic world so Pop couldn’t permit divorce. Henry VIII got furious nearly executed Woolsey because he died natural deth.-----------------------------------------24.The Act of Supremacy was sing in 1534 by Parliament . Rejected (odrzucać) authority of pope and made Henry VIII the head of Church *beginning of Anglican Church *All monasteries (klasztory) were closed*Priest couldn’t have wives*Masses in English no more Latin*Bible translated into English * Lord prayers in English * no dogmats were changed English church stood between Protestant and Roman Catholic church *It took few years to conduct it (1534-1536) Church’s properties were confiscated. ------------------------------------------25.What were the changes after Henry VIII Reformation (during next king)? Edward VI was too young so Edward Seymour (Duke of Sommerset)Jane’s brother was chosen to push church towords the Calvinism (he was protestant)*new prayer book- “common Prayer Book”- in 1549(very calvinist) *priests were allowed to marry--------------------------------------26.Henry VIII was succeded by Edward VI? * She was a Scottish queen and Elizabeth cousine*She married Henry Darnley (Tudor) and thanks this 2nd marriage she could claim to English throne* she also was plotting with Philip II of Spain to start rebellion against Elizabeth -----------------------------------28.Advisors Elizabeth I: *Francois Walsingham*Thomas Gresham* William Cecil--------------------------------------------------29.Francois Drake- English, he sailed around the world, Spain was most successful in sail, he attacked Spanish galleons on way back from America to Spain, sunk them and bring to England a lot of goods an jewellery. Elizabeth I knighted him (pasowała na rycerza), he become sir Francois Darke.---------30.Great Amanda 1580 Philip II decided to build huge fleet (called great amanda) and declared a see war to England. Reasons: * Attacks on Spanish galleons we(economic reason)* Philip II wanted England to be roman catholic *execution Mary Stuart (he plotting with mary stuart in order to depose Elizabeth from English throne )*Rejection him as Elizabeth’s husband * he was sure the God was on his side Course: when Philip waspreparing an army(1587) Drake attacked Spanish galleons in their port in Cadiz. He destroyed all supilles (food and water) prepared in barrels * Philip II tired to replace destroyed ships and supilles but the wood wasn’t dry enough and went bad. *(1588) In February admiral of The Great Amanda died and Philipe choose another one who hated a see and was seasick. In April Amanda sailed into storm, people died, food was spoilt and ships had to return. * In July 1589 Amanda sailed again with 130 ships painted in red and gold 11 km of the sea in shape of crescent, difficult for English to attack. They sailed to the English channel, and for a week stayed there. English ships were following them. Weather conditions were bad again and English attacked Spanish ships with tar on fire, set them on fire and destroyed. Most of Spanish ships survived and tired to go back circling the Scotland and Ireland near the coast but they couldn’t because of ships too big to manual and lack of experience. So only 67 damaged ships was returned to Spain. It meant the end of the Spanish sea power domination. 1588-1914- English fleet dominated------------------------------------------------------------------31.Julius Cesar became to Britain in .. 55-54 BC-----------------32.The Anglo- Saxion introduced the following changes:*Saxion kings had an advisory council- witan * Divided land into shires, the main administrator in each shire was shire reeve-sheriff. Shire reeves met once a year in folkmoot with landlords and bishops (they discussed civil and church law)In each district was a Manor House – place where taxes was collected*agriculture developed (they devided lands into 3 strips, 1st for spring crops 2nd for autumn, 3rdwas left to rest for a year)*they had specific army called Fyrd-not an regular army but in case of fighting------------------------------------33. The institutions established during the region of Henry VII Tudor were: *Privy Council (members were king’s secretaries and ministers, they advised him in foreign and home policy)*Court of Star Chamber- Members were taken from Privy Council or appointed by Tudor kings, they became the highest judges(in cases of high treason)represented a kind of uniformed policy It become very useful because they could get rid of people who didn’t want to obey a Tudors orders-----34. The Celts came to Britain in 700 BC From central Europe--35.HenryII Wished to reform the court system in England because church court was more lenient, henry wanted to be the same punishment in both courts--------------------------------36.Magna Carta- The Great Charter- (starting point of democracy) 1st document limiting king’s power *for the first time king was controlled by comity- 25 barons*he promised not to interfere in the church matters|*promised also not to increase any kind of payments*Document system of weights and measurements*nobody would go to prison without a fair and quick trial------------------------------------------------------------